Large Scale Well Remediation Project
Once a well stops producing, the well need to be plugged and the site remediated.
Mapping and Phase 1
After a well has been in production for many years or decades, it is not always easy to determine which company is responsible. Reagan Smith Land Department performs detailed title and regulatory research to determine who is responsible and the regulatory authority. A phase1 environmental due diligence was also performed to determine any other site issues.
Soil Sampling and Ground Truthing
Soil Sampling and Ground Truthing were performed to determine if any spills had occurred and document exact location of each well needing to be plugged. The soil sampling was utilized for cost estimates for complete site remediation and preparation for the next project.
Plugging and Remediation
Reagan Smith managed all well plugging and site remediation. Reagan Smith prepared all regulatory filings and documentation. A final report was prepared for the client detailing activities and project specifics.