New and Expanded Broadband Project
Created route and design for new service to up to 10,000 new customers over a nine county region and expanded existing broadband tower locations. Project included over 300 miles of new fiber and 16 new tower sites.
Mapping, Siting, Surveying
All Tribal members and Tribal buildings were mapped within a nine county area by the Reagan Smith mapping department. Reagan Smith designed routes and tower sites throughout the nine county area. All required environmental and archaeological surveys were performed by Reagan Smith in accordance with NEPA and NHPA.
Planning and Design
Reagan Smith worked with Tribal leadership and broadband service provider to determine network and routing requirements. Many planning meetings were held to facilitate the project. Reagan Smith research funding opportunities and prepared all necessary documentation for the project including business site leases and ROWs.
Project Management
Reagan Smith provided complete project management working with Tribal leadership, departments and contractors to facilitate a successful project. Many elements of the project were completed under CARES Act which required detailed planning and quick timelines.