Right of Ways and Special Use Permits
Right of Way
Our team of right of way agents are highly trained and experienced in land values and landowner negotiations. Landowners have various concerns based on the location of their property, topography, and type of operation. Operators and developers also have various concerns involving expense, access, and timing. We work closely with the client and landowner to develop an agreement that is satisfactory to both parties and fosters a long-term working relationship.
Bureau of Indian Affairs Right of Ways
Bureau of Indian Affairs Right of Way renewals
Bureau of Land Management Right of Ways
Corps of Engineers Right of Ways
Private Right of Ways
Special Use Permit
Many Federal and State agencies issue Special Use Permits for various needs such as ingress and egress for a project . We are experienced in obtaining the correct permits for your project in a timely manner.
Forest Service Special Use Permits
Corps of Engineers Special Use Permits
Forest Service Haul Permits
Forest Service Timber Permits
Business Site Leases
Some projects require a Business Site Lease depending on the type and location of the project. Bureau of Indian Affairs Business Site Leases are needed for Cell Towers, Solar Farms, Wind Farms and Oil and Gas projects located off lease. Other agencies may require Business Site Leases depending on the situation. Our land team is experienced in all the required paperwork and necessary steps to streamline the approval of Business Site Leases.
Seismic Permits
Reagan Smith specializes in obtaining seismic permits on Federal and Indian lands. We have worked with multiple leading seismic companies to obtain seismic permits on private, Federal, and Indian lands. We also provide full-service permit compliance including archaeology, endangered species surveys, and wildlife monitoring.
BLM Wind Projects
Over the past two decades, wind energy has seen dramatic increases in use in the United States and worldwide. Currently, about 5 percent of total producing utility-scale wind energy capacity in the United States is generated from facilities located on public lands. The BLM has approved wind energy projects on public lands since 1982. As of May 2021, there were 36 BLM-approved wind energy projects on public lands with a combined total of over 2,900 megawatts of approved capacity, enough to power one million homes.
Business Site Leases
Some projects require a Business Site Lease depending on the type and location of the project. Bureau of Indian Affairs Business Site Leases are needed for Cell Towers, Solar Farms, Wind Farms and Oil and Gas projects located off lease. Other agencies may require Business Site Leases depending on the situation. Our land team is experienced in all the required paperwork and necessary steps to streamline the approval of Business Site Leases.