Ranch Management
Every piece of land is unique and needs tailored management. Our experienced team is specialized in Animal Science, Rangeland Management, Forestry, and Environmental Science. We work with you as a partner to maximize the value of your land while protecting your resources.
Ranch Management
Your ranch is unique and needs a management plan tailored to the unique nature of your operation. We work with all size ranches to design management plans that protect the land, increase value and inventory all resources. Our services include wildlife inventory, pond management, mapping, and ranch technology.
Wildlife Management
Many ranches also have a large wildlife component. Wildlife inventories, stocking and management plans can increase the value and recreational use of your land. We also work with land owners to develop private endangered species conservation banks.
Maps and Data
Reagan Smith’s Mapping Department can assist you in preparing maps for various types of projects. Our state-of-the-art Mapping Department provides operators and developers a visual representation of project constraints to assist in planning and siting. Desktop due diligence can be displayed on maps including wetlands, floodplains, and endangered species habitats.
Soil and Water
Soil and water sampling provide baselines and monitoring to determine if there are any issues with the land or water. Usually, a baseline of the wells in the area is obtained prior to commencing operations. Many landowners request baseline testing to protect against contamination or mechanical degradation.
Pond Management
Our staff of biologists and wildlife scientists are dedicated to enhancing the beauty, health, and recreational benefits of privately owned ponds. We work with landowners to create pond management plans and strategies that are effective with minimal environmental impact. Our services include new pond setup, management and maintenance, fish surveys, algae control, water sampling, habitat installation and beaver removal.
Carbon Sequestration
Many companies are interested in offsetting their carbon emissions through carbon sequestration with grassland or new forestry projects. We work with landowners who are interest in partnering to create carbon offset projects on their lands to increase value while still maintaining ownership and land use rights.